关于举办“ How to write an academic paper and common mistakes in academic writing”讲座的通知


时间:2018年9月11日   17:30-18:30


讲座主题: How to write an academic paper and common mistakes in academic writing

精简介绍:The lecture is about how to write an academic paper. Students will learn about the basic structure and components that make up an academic paper. The next presentation will discuss common errors in academic writing. This is specific to Chinese students who are writing in English. Students will learn how to better write sentences and make their paper sound more native.

报告人:Kelley Christine Eaton


Ms. Kelley is from Buffalo, New York. She graduated from Mercyhurst University with a BA in business marketing. Upon graduation, Kelley spent two years teaching English in the island nation of Micronesia. Kelley then pursued her Master’s degree at Clark University in international development. She is currently living in Beijing working at Innobuddy as the quality control manager.

凯利女士来自纽约布法罗市。 她毕业于梅西赫斯特大学,获得了市场营销学士学位。 毕业后,凯利在密克罗尼西亚岛国教了两年英语,随后在克拉克大学攻读了国际发展专业硕士学位。 她目前在北京创新伙伴教育科技有限公司(智课教育)工作,担任(论文润色)质检经理一职。